JK Soft top bag, mesh top, other -Free

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Joined: Wed Feb 26, 2020 1:53 pm
Jeep Year: 2018
Jeep Model: JL Wrangler
Real Name: Derek Pray
Location: Wilmington, MA

JK Soft top bag, mesh top, other -Free

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Cleaning out the shed, the soft top bag is a Smittybuilt bag for a 2 door JK (don’t know if it will fit a 4 door top). The mesh top is a rugged ridge, covers the front and back seat.
Other stuff heading to the trash:
JK center tow hook
JK 1rear headrest
JK rear plastic bumper, dented on the driver side
JK passenger tail light
JL front plastic bumper (could fit a JK if you want)
JL 2 door handles (why not)

All free to a good home.
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