New Membership Application

Thank you for your interest in joining Baystate Jeepers!

There are minimum requirements for earning and maintaining your voting status in the club each year.  Members who do not fulfill the minimum requirements, will not have voting privileges the following year.  Regardless of voting status, all members in good standing are eligible to renew the following year.

New members must:

  • Submit application and pay membership dues ($50.00)
  • Attend 2 club trail rides (excluding the 101)
  • Attend 1 club meeting
  • Renew by January 15 each year in order to establish your standing in the club as a full voting member.



We look forward to seeing you on the trail!

"*" indicates required fields

Personal Information

This field is hidden when viewing the form
MM slash DD slash YYYY

About You

Please include your forum name. If you do not yet have one, please open another tab and visit our forum to sign up. Do not leave this page or you may lose your data and will have to reenter it.

Please indicate your experience/comfort level off road.

Please indicate any special skills or certifications that may be useful to the club.

Your Jeep

Minimum 29" (32"+ recommended)
Optional: Include any modifications.

Submit Form / Indemnification

Age Verification*
Voting members and regular members must be at least 18 years of age or older. Associate members may be licensed drivers under the age of 18.
Terms and Conditions*
It is fully understood by the submitter that there is some inherent risk associated with participation in Club events, including damage to JeepĀ® vehicles. In addition, the undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Baystate Jeepers, Inc., its officers, and participants of any liability. The undersigned agrees to assume full responsibility for his/her actions and those of any minor(s) in their charge which could result in (but not limited to) injury, death, or property damage while participating in a Baystate Jeepers Club event. In addition, all vehicles must meet Baystate Jeepers, Inc. minimum requirements: Tire size 29"+, secure tow points front & rear, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, recovery strap, FRS radio.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.




If the form does not show up, it likely means that we have temporarily suspended the application during our 2025 membership renewal.  New memberships will be accepted after January 15th.     

Thank you!