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Is the "Jeep Wave" on life support?

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:27 pm
by BadFish95YJ
This post likely excludes anyone on this Jeep specific forum....but is the Jeep wave on the way out? I pass so many JK's that just don't wave.

Re: Is the "Jeep Wave" on life support?

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:54 pm
by pirahnah3
There are plenty that do and some that dont in my area, I was actually approached last year about it by a fellow jeep driver and they asked why I was waving at them as they had no idea who I was. My response was that it was not just a jeep thing but also to offer a friendly smile and gesture to others. Sadly the response was typical for a lot of people today. It was a basic statement of how I should just mind my own business and not interject myself into other folks lives (Mind you this was after they approached me to discuss this). Some people are just miserable and there is nothing that they will accept to make them fell better. Will I still wave....Yup! Thou I do find that the majorty of folks who dont wave are the ones who I doubt understand anything other than the fact that they own a jeep and will probably never even take it down a gravel driveway let alone anything like it was made to be driven on.

Re: Is the "Jeep Wave" on life support?

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 2:10 pm
by RandyCarol
I’ll wave to any built Jeep, even mall crawlers or cherokees, because I know they are into the Jeep thing. If a stock Jeep waves I’ll wave back but most of them just drive past.

Re: Is the "Jeep Wave" on life support?

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 6:59 pm
by Marky
I find it to be a phenomenon that wanes in the winter and comes back when the tops come down.

Re: Is the "Jeep Wave" on life support?

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 7:51 pm
by Kurt
I wave even when trailering my YJ.

Re: Is the "Jeep Wave" on life support?

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 6:24 am
by Frank
While I dont see "the wave" as dead , I find even when there is a wave the is no eye contact or enthusiasm . Like its a chore. Ive been lucky in the sense she is easy to see and CJs purdy much sealed the deal . Im mean Ryan W. wouldnt have gone through all the trouble of posting her picture all the way from Cali if she wasnt cute ! FjR68

Re: Is the "Jeep Wave" on life support?

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 8:16 am
by Blue Yeti
I think its mostly the "stockers" that don't waive. It is understandable as they just bought a car to drive back and forth to work.
I can average 3 to 15 on the way to work... some hands, some waives and a lot of peace man with a nod.
All good fun as a smile can go a long way.

Similar when out in the Vette... ya gotta waive to another Vette... It's the LAW!

Good post by pirahnah. Too many miserable folks out there... so sad.

Re: Is the "Jeep Wave" on life support?

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 12:00 pm
by ImNotCassie
I must be one of the miserable people. I don't wave in my jeep or on my motorcycle. When I first got the jeep it was a novelty, then it just got annoying and I have come ro hate the wave.

Re: Is the "Jeep Wave" on life support?

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 6:43 pm
by Stewartcloth6
I always try to do it, in my area most do it. But with that being said I do sometime get distracted on the road ahead

Re: Is the "Jeep Wave" on life support?

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 6:44 pm
by Marky
When I drove it every day, I'll admit, it got annoying. I'd wave at 3 in a row who don't wave back. As soon as I give up, I get waved at and I feel like the ahole.

Re: Is the "Jeep Wave" on life support?

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 8:23 pm
by BlackNBlue-ISH
I drove the Jeep today, not a regular occurrence, and while being tailgated by a stock but topless 2dr JK, I had a 5 out of 6 hit rate for waves from oncoming Jeep's.

Re: Is the "Jeep Wave" on life support?

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 4:34 pm
by Frank
Thats cause every one loves Blue Dan :) FjR68

Re: Is the "Jeep Wave" on life support?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 8:31 pm
by Blue Yeti
Forgot about the bike, they wave too. Havent ridden in about 10 years.
Had 5 on the way to work, 2 didnt waive... no big deal.
Had 10 on the way home, 3 JK's in a row in one spot and we all waived and nodded checking out each others rides.

Wave - cool, dont wave - no big deal.

Re: Is the "Jeep Wave" on life support?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 9:43 pm
by BlackKnight
It's all about the damn Millennials, They are buying Jeeps because "they are cool", they turn them into mall crawlers and then try to sell them for 60K, thinking they can build one like Starwood (the crazy ass dealer that sells crap built Jeeps for $150K)

Re: Is the "Jeep Wave" on life support?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 8:05 pm
by hig
Pretty much every wrangler waves where I am (SW NH).

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