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Outdoor Winterizing

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 1:55 pm
by BlackNBlue-ISH
I'm in the beginning thought process about winterizing the wrangler this year. I've got a truck, don't winter wheel, and don't really have any time off. So the jeep really can be put away for a few months until spring when I'll have time to wheel and no more second job. My thoughts are as following:
  • Auto Shelter (link): Full metal frame canopy with top/sides and zip access front/rear.
  • Fuel: full tank and stabilizer, easy.
  • Battery: remove and store inside, easy.
  • Rust: anywhere I put the shelter/jeep will be on gravel or soil, not pavement. Will I need to put anything below it to prevent the additional rusting from soil moisture?
  • Critters: How do I keep them from getting into the wiring/airbox/etc that can happen. I've got a hardtop so the interior should be safe.
  • Rust/Critters: I'm thinking about lining the floor/ground of the shelter with a tarp and "sealing" it with guerrilla tape to minimize intruders/moisture
Any thoughts? Additions/subtractions/revisions? Who else stores their jeep outdoors for the winter?

Re: Outdoor Winterizing

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 2:51 pm
by pirahnah3
Bounce Dryer sheets will help with the critters, I have had some luck with them in the past. If not traps are about the only way to ensure it.

I would not think that a few months of sitting outside would cause that large of an issue, if it would then dealerships would be a lot more worried about leaving things out there even in their dirt lots. Battery removal will help prolong its life, thou it will also not give you an easy chance to start the vehicle to keep things moving around.

Re: Outdoor Winterizing

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 4:36 pm
by Hoodoo Man
IF you want to amp it up a notch it wont hurt to have the Jeep on Jackstands all around to avoid flat spots on the tires. If you don't, they should even back out after a few miles but it wouldn't hurt. If you want to go real crazy, grease the top of the stands with oil and the mice won't be able to climb up them. LOL I have also heard of peppermint as a rodent deterrent but haven't tried it.

Re: Outdoor Winterizing

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 6:35 pm
by Kurt
Possibly stuff the air intake with steel wool to keep'm out and tape the opening off. Will help keep moisture out of the cylinders.
Tape the tail pipe opening too to keep moisture out and critters out.
I tried dryer sheets and moth balls. Didn't seem to help.
Maybe oil coat the underside of the Jeep or spray it with Fluid Film. I have the tools and film here if you want to go that route.
I use mouse traps inside my Jeep. I trap probably 10-15 each winter.
Might want to put a few inside the shelter. Bait and check often.

Re: Outdoor Winterizing

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:50 pm
by pirahnah3
Love the Tomcat white mouse traps, pick them up at home depot by the pair ... /205563821

Bait with M & M's, that what an exterminator did at my mothers place when she was having a problem, works wonders. I started seeing some in the shop and they really go for them. Easy setup and quick reaction on them. To date, 2 months in, no mouse has made off with the candy and I have 4 traps out.

Mice at our hosue did not care about pure peppermint oil they took the cotton balls, the didnt care about altoids, ate those, they eat dishwasher pods, they dont care about decon....traps work.

Re: Outdoor Winterizing

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 9:44 am
by Frank
I had the same questions in HVAC . I found the people that bought insulated covers for their AC units had the most trouble in the spring. Eaten wires , mice burnt on contacts and such. I always told them if they were concerned about the "machine" , just put a piece of plywood on top but leave it open all around. When you close them in , its an invite for free lodging . I would suggest if parking on soil Vs. gravel/black top , to put a tarp down. Put stabil in the gas heavy and run it for at least an hour around town. Kurt had the right idea, tape off the intake and exhaust. Traps inside isnt a bad idea. Throw a tarp or hoop house over it . See ya in the spring honey . JMO FjR68

Re: Outdoor Winterizing

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 3:37 pm
by nhdcoye
I use the all natural method... Nature's winter overnight wrap... Takes 2 coatings for a good seal :-o
First coating
First coating

Re: Outdoor Winterizing

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 7:15 pm
by pirahnah3
Do repeated coatings increase or decrease protection?

Re: Outdoor Winterizing

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:22 am
by Frank
Thats just amazing to see her out in the weather let alone buried . Mona would disown me if I did that , come to think of it , the wife disowned me years ago as that 2 car heated garage is off limits to on road vehicles :) FjR68

Re: Outdoor Winterizing

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 9:04 pm
by pirahnah3
Need a bigger garage space Frank, sounds like its time for an addition.

Re: Outdoor Winterizing

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 8:44 am
by Frank
Im purdy good Jim . As long as she dont get any ideas :) FjR68