Attaching Images and Linking to YouTube
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 4:46 pm
Attaching images to your posts:
1. At the bottom of the post page you will find the "Upload attachment" tab.
2. Press the "Choose File" button and find your file. Then press the "Add the file" button to upload it. 3. If you want it to be seen as part of your post, place your cursor where you want it in your message, then scroll back down and click "Place inline." 4. Click "Preview" to be sure it's posting properly, and if you are happy, click "Submit".
Limitations: Max file size is 10MB and Max number of attachments per post is 10. (I recommend shrinking the file size before uploading... 10 is huge, but I don't want to restrict those who aren't sure how to do that.)
Limitations for private messaging is 1MB each and 2 posts.
Attaching videos:
1. Upload your video to a service such as youtube.
2. Make a note of the URL of your video. It'll look something like this:
3. The only part you need is the dQw4w9WgXcQ
4. Now take a look at the right end of the tool bar: 5. Click the "youtube" button and paste the "secret code" from your video inside the Youtube tags ... for me it looks like this [yootube]dQw4w9WgXcQ[/yootube]
(Note, I misspelled youtube to fool the tags.)
6. Click "Preview" to be sure it's playing properly and you're all set - just press submit!
1. At the bottom of the post page you will find the "Upload attachment" tab.
2. Press the "Choose File" button and find your file. Then press the "Add the file" button to upload it. 3. If you want it to be seen as part of your post, place your cursor where you want it in your message, then scroll back down and click "Place inline." 4. Click "Preview" to be sure it's posting properly, and if you are happy, click "Submit".
Limitations: Max file size is 10MB and Max number of attachments per post is 10. (I recommend shrinking the file size before uploading... 10 is huge, but I don't want to restrict those who aren't sure how to do that.)
Limitations for private messaging is 1MB each and 2 posts.
Attaching videos:
1. Upload your video to a service such as youtube.
2. Make a note of the URL of your video. It'll look something like this:
3. The only part you need is the dQw4w9WgXcQ
4. Now take a look at the right end of the tool bar: 5. Click the "youtube" button and paste the "secret code" from your video inside the Youtube tags ... for me it looks like this [yootube]dQw4w9WgXcQ[/yootube]
(Note, I misspelled youtube to fool the tags.)
6. Click "Preview" to be sure it's playing properly and you're all set - just press submit!