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TREAD Lightly Classes.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 1:26 pm
by BlackKnight
Hi All,
With the Jeep 101 coming up fast, I thought it would be good for me to put this out on the Site. As one of the TREAD reps for the club, I wanted to post up about the classes. There is a TREAD Trainer class (8-hour class), for people that want to be able to teach others about TREAD Lightly, I've already signed up and paid the $25 for the November class being held in Cabela's in Hudson MA on November 17th.

Here is a quick guide for what the TREAD LIGHTLY acronym stands for. The 'T' in TREAD refers to 'traveling responsibly', The 'R' refers to 'respecting the rights of others', 'E' is a reminder to 'educate yourself', 'A' is for 'avoiding sensitive areas' and 'D' means 'do your part' to maintain trail cleanliness. Be sure to follow these guidelines for a great trail riding experience for you and other riders using the trail. All things we should strive to do here in Baystate Jeepers.

The TREAD Trainer class:

The Second class is a Free (As in just your time is spent) On-Line self-guided class that should take about 20-30 minutes of time, and I think all the members of the club should take at one point. the online class is free and you can print a Certification after passing it.

The Online class Link:

There is also an online class for Kids. At the same link as the Online course.

Here is the Cert you get to print when you complete the Online Course:

The TREAD Lightly premise is something that all club members should be aware of and strive to follow.

Bob Hood