YJ Parts at resonable prices in Plastow NH

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Joined: Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:04 pm
Jeep Year: 1992
Jeep Model: YJ Wrangler
Real Name: Better known as Dave

YJ Parts at resonable prices in Plastow NH

Unread post by nhdcoye »

I found this Jeep Angle in Plastow NH :dance:
He had a front seat complete with mounting brackets already removed from the jeep :banana-guitar: for an excellent price :music-rockout:

He built his own YJ and had accumulated multiple "project jeeps" along the way and decided to sell off the extra parts.
One thing lead to another and he and his wife started a side business saving old YJ's from the crusher and selling the parts.
He has everything, and I mean everything you could possible need in multiple colors and sizes for a YJ.

Dave was easy going and great to deal with not to mention close to home :-)
If your looking for a YJ part please check him out or give him a call as he does not have everything online yet, Tell him Dave from Baystate sent you :-D

David Horn
Please visit website at JeepAngels.com

Cell 1-603-560-9743
92 YJ 6Cyl > 3 " lift, ford 8.8 SOA on XJ springs with Aussie out back, D30 with alloy 30's and ARB up front 4:56. 35 MTR's, 10K Winch, SYE ,traction bar, onBd Air and lots of gently used skids
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