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Fathers day run

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:17 am
by Northshore Jeeper
I had a great time on that run. It was alot harder of a trail than I expected. And it went a little later than I expected. Pushed in my pass. rear door, and rear quarter panel. Broke a power steering line. Here is a link to one of my albums on facebook. There is a couple of pics from this run at the bottom. I will upload more pics and some videos to my youtube page (just search Northshore Jeeper on You tube to access my channel. ... .579521741

Re: Fathers day run

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:57 am
by 88jeepxj
You can say that again, a lot harder than expected. I'm kinda shocked Kermit (my green XJ) made it through and all the way back home!

I tried explaining the difficulty to my wife but the pictures I took make boulders look like little rocks and really steep sections look like my really is something you need to experience.

Mark, was your wife "happy" about the newly shaped rear door?

Re: Fathers day run

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:01 am
by Northshore Jeeper
I took a few videos of you going over some pretty nice stuff. They are on my camcorder and I will hopefully have them uploaded to my youtube or Facebook page tonight.

My wife has not seen the damage but she will tonight. She wont care becasue she knows thats what the jeep is for.

Re: Fathers day run

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:12 am
by 88jeepxj
Can't wait to see them.

Re: Fathers day run

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:53 am
by Northshore Jeeper
although she is always looking for excuses to take the daily driver when I want to go for a ride in the jeep and this will just give her another reason to say "I dont want to ride in that ugly thing"

Hopefully I will get the videos up tonight. I am having some issues getting my camcorder sycnd with my computer and the last time I tried it I lost all the footage I took. I will do my best to get them uploaded

Re: Fathers day run

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:52 pm
by ChrisD
When did that happen to your door?

BTW 88jeepxj it was great to meet you yesterday, nice to place a face with the name.

The run yesterday was not the norm. Typically we break into 2 groups, however that is a newer area to the club. Also with any run, if you need to be out of the woods at a certain time, please let the trail leader know at the meeting stop.

Not sure how this happened, but I wasn't able to take 1 photo all day. However I think I paid for my winch all in one run!

Re: Fathers day run

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:12 pm
by Northshore Jeeper
Towards the end on the last couple of nasty rock area's (where you winched from that stump) I noticed Jeff (88jeepxj) was able to maneuver thru the trees to bypass it. Well I dont think my xj is wider (body at least) but I could not get thru it. It was not phisicly possible for my jeep. I tried it 10-12 times and at that point I decided to stomp on the skinny pedal and just mow thru it, the trees were not to kind to me, pushed in the rear pass door (window is still intact and even works! and pushed in my rear quarter panel

I dont really mind the harder run (it really gives you an idea of what your vehical can actually do) and I was very impressed with my jeep. I was just under the impression it would be more comparable to the run we went on down the street from the fathers day run. No big deal. IT was GREAT.

I didnt "need" to be out at a certain time I just "wanted" to be out a little earlier. It was fathers day and the wife had been warned ahead of time it could run late (and I understand with any run things happen rollovers,broken u-joints, etc etc)

Your winch did great! Well worth the $!

And I have to say Jeff (88jeepxj) had one of the smaller rigs there and walked away with minimal damage. He did a great job behind the wheel

Re: Fathers day run

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:48 pm
by jquader
Damn I missed all the fun.

Re: Fathers day run

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:43 am
by 88jeepxj
Chris wrote:
BTW 88jeepxj it was great to meet you yesterday, nice to place a face with the name.
It was great meeting you and your family. They seem to enjoy wheeling almost as much as you do! Thanks for a tug over that muddy uphill section. I think I could have made it but it was nice having the strap connected and know I wouldn't slide backwards. That was amazingly the only section I needed assistance. The old girl did good.

Hopefully I'll have my rocker issues sorted out by then. This run really finished them off, which is just as well because the rust looks horrible.

I'm shooting for the ****run late July. Hopefully I'll see you all there.


Moderator note No trial names in the public forum please.