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Friend looking for a club to join.

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:38 pm
by mightymeglet
And he asked me :lol: He is still in high school and learning his Jeep. I told him that the must go to event was the Jeep Rally ;) where I pretty much told him that there was a rock garden just for him to play on and while selling raffle tickets to people walked him over to the sign up booth and had him sign up to crawl. I was nice and gave him my number and said call if you get nervous, he did and I walked over to watch him. The smile he had getting off the rock was great. He now wants to do it again, and I told him to join a club. Apparently he's going to ask his dad for club membership for Christmas and I think this place would be a good fit for him, but I do have questions. (I'm still not a member, I will probably join in February)
1. He wants it as a Christmas present, can he join that early or should he see about getting the $?
2. I've wheeled with you all a few times and its been GG so a trail I know and know what I can do, but how are you with new people? I don't want him thinking the skinny pedal is the only way out.
3. How do you rate trails for runs. He has a stock TJ that his dad wants to keep stock (doubt that will last long) but I don't want him thinking (grrrrr no trail names, insert hard trail here) is easy.
4. Do you have a discount with 4WD hardware? another club I am in has one and I told him that's a good reason to join a club other than land.
5. How many easy runs do you do a year? ie. GG or class 6 type trails.

That's all I can think of right now, but I'm sure there will be more.

Re: Friend looking for a club to join.

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:39 pm
by johnsxj
First off... Is he 18?????????? You have to be at least this old to be a regular member.

Other than that....
1. Memberships can be made at any time (Pay in Dec is good through Dec. 31 2011)
2. I and many others discourage the skinny pedal as the only option.
3. We probably rate them at about the same level as FTR does. We do usually break up into different groups for different levels of play.
4. Nope we don't. But at $50 a year for a membership we're probably one of the least expensive clubs out there.
5. We try to have at least one run a month from April through November. See #3 for how we do things.

Re: Friend looking for a club to join.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:29 am
by Carl McFly
We have stock rigs and they do fine. You might know someone that runs a stock TJ on every run..... she wears flip-flops on snow runs ;) My first run with BSJ, the camaraderie blew me away. IMHO, this is a perfect fit for someone like your friend

Re: Friend looking for a club to join.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:09 am
by mightymeglet
He is over 18, graduated HS last spring. He is still a youngin'.
I *DO* know two people who where flip flops almost every run. His TJ is I think more stock than the female flip flop-er. Hers grew rather quickly after she joined if I do recall. ;)

I'll pass this on to him. thanks!

Re: Friend looking for a club to join.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:31 am
by schwalby
Evelyn is still on 30s I think. She just drives it like it is on 38s :P

Re: Friend looking for a club to join.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:41 am
by Frank
Truer words were never spoken ! Come on Dude and join ! We have the best people in the world and you wont ever be disappointed. FjR68

Re: Friend looking for a club to join.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:02 pm
by Northshore Jeeper
I have not joined the club yet but I will be soon. The one major thing that made this club apealing to me was, looking at some club runs on youtube I could hear children in the background on most of the videos. I have a 7 month old and I would love to involve him in something like this that I enjoy so much (as he gets older and throughout his childhood). It apears to be pretty family orientated and that is the 1 deciding factor for me!

Re: Friend looking for a club to join.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:34 pm
by schwalby
Some would say most of us act like childeren to, well at least Carl and Evelyn do. They throw fruit at each other.

Re: Friend looking for a club to join.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:49 pm
by Eve
Wait, I'm not on 38's??? Darn, why didn't anyone tell me :(

Skids and a cheap locker - other than that - yup pretty stock!! He's wayyyy more built up than me!

Oh and look who's talking!! Josh sneaks stickers on when you're not looking and tries to race on the trails.... I told him to stop but he won't listen... Carl and I would NEVER do anything like that. :lol:

It is really a great club though. Remember I looked into yours first and Fluffy told me he had no trails for me to try out for at least 2 months?? Yup - still giving him a hard time about that one ... :mrgreen:

I think we're the better option for him.

Re: Friend looking for a club to join.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:40 pm
by mightymeglet
Eve wrote:Wait, I'm not on 38's??? Darn, why didn't anyone tell me :(
Because we like to watch you drive :P
Eve wrote: Skids and a cheap locker - other than that - yup pretty stock!! He's wayyyy more built up than me!
I thought you had a winch as well. I do forget what people have on their Jeep, I have trouble keeping track of my own. I have a D44 rear in 2 out of 3, don't know what is in #3. I do have a I6 in all three but one is slightly bigger :D
Eve wrote: It is really a great club though. Remember I looked into yours first and Fluffy told me he had no trails for me to try out for at least 2 months?? Yup - still giving him a hard time about that one ... :mrgreen:

I think we're the better option for him.
I think you are correct, I will let him know. I just don't want to send him to a club where they don't have good spotters/teachers and have another wild Jeeper out there thinking its safe to wheel in Hanover Ma. Thanks!

Re: Friend looking for a club to join.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:44 pm
Send him on over to New England. We'll take good care of him.

Wha ha ha ha ha ha........

Re: Friend looking for a club to join.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:26 pm
by Frank
Okay Meg : Dare I ask which one is your favorite ? Are you an only child? Who In their right mind needs Three JEEPS ! Or has enough money. FjR68

Re: Friend looking for a club to join.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:06 am
by mightymeglet
Frank wrote:Okay Meg : Dare I ask which one is your favorite ? Are you an only child? Who In their right mind needs Three JEEPS ! Or has enough money. FjR68
My CJ is my favorite, the one IN the garage with the frame, engine and axles. The other CJs are parts for the frame. I like the learning I'm getting with it.
Depends on who you ask if I'm an only child. I'm my moms only living child, my dads fourth.
I don't NEED three Jeeps, life just happened that I have three. I got my first CJ as parts, then my frame, then I found my TJ and wanted a rig I could wheel now, then the fiberglass body CJ went on the market and I jumped. CJ #1 has been completely torn apart and all valuable things removed. #2 does not run but is complete. I think I need to charge the battery, is had better headers and a few other upgrades that I wanted. Honestly my wallet does not know I have three Jeeps, it just knows I have a thirsty TJ and a part happy CJ. I get stuff for the CJ when I can afford it. Hence why it's so slow.

Re: Friend looking for a club to join.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:23 am
by Widow Maker
My better half and I joined up in August with BSJ and honestly, never been happier! Lots of activities, wonderful members everyone has fun, very helpful on tech stuff and most of all a great forum where everyone is treated with respect. Kudos to Eve and Josh for getting us to make the first step over to BSJ.

Re: Friend looking for a club to join.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:07 am
by catie14
i have a stock jk rubicon...trails and people have been great....definately give it a try