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Re: New member from Lakeville

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 7:18 am
by ImNotCassie
tunatoo wrote: I'xm wondering if evites with more info usually come out sooner than later to give time to make decisions.
What kind of info are you looking for. I try to put an accurate description of what terrain will be like and whether stock friendly or not. If there is something specific you want to know give a shout out. Input from members will help me make evites better. The evite for the 29th run is going out today. Our first class 6 is May 26.

As Mark said, 101 is pretty much ss mild as they come. The scrapping was nothing to worry about but if you want to avoid any scrapping or scratches, maybe Jeepin' isn't the sport fir you.

The 29th will be much like the 101 plus but you will be helped over thing via spotters and a little instruction.

I want to make it clear now that this is not going to be a class type thing like the 101. Just a real world run with mild obsticals at a slowish pase (not as slow as the 101) to help newbies get more comfortable. Maybe get out and watch someone else "scrape" and see what pert of belly it is.

PS ..... no trail names in general section please. That talk is saved for the members only section.

Re: New member from Lakeville

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:28 am
by RandyCarol
The scraping takes awhile to get used to, if ever. Throw some skid plates on there and just ignore the sounds

Re: New member from Lakeville

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:40 am
by tunatoo
Fun! Nothing in spam box, I'll email to see about them. I did enjoy the trails, and rock maneuvering. Maybe time for some skid plates :) Or lift... bigger tires... All the goodies I eventually plan on upgrading to.

Re: New member from Lakeville

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 9:13 am
I checked evites where sent to you. Did you get 101 evite?

Re: New member from Lakeville

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 9:39 am
by ImNotCassie
I also always put a link to the evite on the forum in the Members only events section post regarding particular runs.

Re: New member from Lakeville

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:14 am
by tunatoo
Thanks Cassandra. I did get the 101 evite early. I'll check out the link

Re: New member from Lakeville

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 5:03 pm
by pirahnah3
Gary, can you please update your email, I think there is something not connecting properly as it looks like it might have been kicked back.

Dont worry too much about the scraping just yet, its takes a bit to get used to but in most cases is nothing to worry about. Some skid plates should be in your future but not tomorrow if you worried about costs. Come on out for a ride along even that way you can get out and see what is really going on out there and get the feel for it without having to worry.

Re: New member from Lakeville

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:50 pm
by tunatoo
Jim, thanks for all the help. I did just update my email as you suggested. I'm very interested in more trails, and would like to see where these are held to decide if I can make it. The scraping isn't a big deal, and I appreciate the help and experience of the other club members. I would like to try and make the ****** **. ride, just need to be able to sign up. Thanks again!

Re: New member from Lakeville

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:40 pm
Once again this is public section no trail names! Where did you update your email?

Re: New member from Lakeville

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 4:50 pm
by tunatoo
Sorry on the trail name, I was just trying to reference the event listed on the schedule. I updated my email address in my profile here. Again, I did receive the 101 evite and prior to that the evite for the meet & greet, but nothing since then.

Re: New member from Lakeville

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 9:17 pm
Ok see what I can figure out