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Re: watch out for black ice...

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:22 pm
by ASauer17
So, since I've been working both Saturday and today (Sunday).. I haven't had time to actually go look at the damage.

Windshield: Is it bent due to the roll cage pushing it forward. Or so it seems..

I DO have some spare parts.. and I hope I can work that into the equation when I get back some figures..

The truck is still sitting outside of the my condo!

By ALL means, anyone who wants to take a deeper look to see if I'm totally screwed, go ahead! PLEASE! PM me!

I am guessing that the insurance company will call me tomorrow.
Al Brodeur's Auto Body in Marlborough is taking my claim..

I just want to write a list of every spare part I have that needs to be installed.. and that my fenders are still good! AHH

...what a day

Re: watch out for black ice...

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:26 am
by Widow Maker
OMG Amanda - we were looking for you on Friday. So sorry to hear about your accident but glad to hear you are OK. So sorry about your rig. Rob is an Auto Claims Examiner with Safety Insurance so feel free to ask him any questions.

Re: watch out for black ice...

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:10 pm
by ASauer17
Its not looking good. The guy just looked at it and said "I'm going to say its totalled". . An estimate can be done, but if I wiithdraw the claim my truck would be in pieces. any advice?!!

I would say my truck is worth 7500-8000$.. insurance will cover 75% of worth to fix the truck.

Seriously thinking about them taking it apart then trying to fix it myself..

Re: watch out for black ice...

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:11 pm
by ASauer17
Carol, I may need Rob's expertise!!

Re: watch out for black ice...

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:20 pm
by Kurt

One of my cars was totaled last year when I got rear ended. The actual damage wasn't that bad. Popped trunk lit, bent trunk opening, broken drivers seat, broken tail light, ragged rear bumper cover.
The insurance company "totalled" it. They paid me the totaled car value plus what would be the additional expenses such as sales tax, title fee, etc to purchase a comparable vehicle. To keep the car I had to pay them the "scrap" value of the car which was around $300.
In the end I walked away with a $3,800 check in may hand plus I still owned the car. No impact to the title.
Spent a weekend repairing the damage myself. 18 months later it's still being driven daily.

Unfortunately you'll be getting less than book value due to your deductable.
Plus if you file a claim you'll probably be paying higher rates for a while since you were "at fault" for the accident :sad:
Gotta weigh the overall cost / benefit of filing the claim.

Re: watch out for black ice...

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:51 pm
by Hoodoo Man
good luck Amanda! This really stinks.. I would weigh the options and not really worry too much about the estimate that they give you. see what they offer you on the jeep and what it would cost to but it back from them, then we can build you a buggy. :icon-twisted:

Re: watch out for black ice...

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:16 pm
by Northshore Jeeper
And always remember when they come at you with a $ amount talk them up a little bit. I have totalled a few cars and have always argued the original offer. And have always gotten a few extra bucks out of them.

Re: watch out for black ice...

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:13 pm
by Captian Carnage
If youget a surchage from balck ice I was told by my insurace company ( Met life ) To appeal it it wasnt you fault as long as there is proof of black ice police report or highway department being call in to sand roads I got both of those on my side
Then again My trailer wasnt cover against damage its covered if it causes damage
In the past ( 80s+ 90s )trailers were coverd by the truck insurance not with met life All you guys that tow check with your insurance company

Re: watch out for black ice...

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:05 pm
by ASauer17
So.. here is my update... Friday I got a call from my insurance company saying that they totalled the truck. I asked... if there was an estimate.. what did they put as the value of the truck.. etc etc.. and I got nothing answered!

All that I know is that they said "totalled"..

Tonight I will be putting together all of my modification invoices/receipts and hope that this will help raise the value of my truck when they call me back with an estimate.

Oh... and I have to move my truck or start paying storage fees.. ARE YOU KIDDING!!! haha, and AAA won't tow when the company isn't open. Oy!

Let's see how much damage is done..

Also, I am at NO fault! Black ice! and its also in the police report.

watch out for black ice...

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:28 pm
by ChrisD
If you want, feel free to store it at my house.

Re: watch out for black ice...

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 2:36 am
by IronTortoise
If you do end up getting surcharged contact me and I will help you to gather the proper information and prepare you to argue your case in an appeal.


Re: watch out for black ice...

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:25 am
by Captian Carnage
My damage was a little over 4500 to my truck + a little over 1000 for trailer Ifixed the trailer with a BFH and spray paint a total of 30 min work

Re: watch out for black ice...

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:13 pm
by ASauer17
Little Napoleon wrote:If you want, feel free to store it at my house.

Thanks for the offer. I may take you up on that!

Re: watch out for black ice...

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:30 pm
by ASauer17
PS- I just got word about my check.. I'm getting about 6k to fix my truck. I DON'T need a new title OR a state safety inspections after the repairs are done..

Re: watch out for black ice...

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:34 pm
by ChrisD
So it is not totaled?